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Flags 1995 Central America
Central America: visiting the countries Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala within four weeks between December 1995 and January 1996. Four weeks are definetely too short to visit those countries, but at least you get the first touch. I gained manifold impressions: Mexico-City, Veracruz, Cancun, San Salvador and uncounted active and inactive volcano. I visited a coffee harvest, had discussions with Ukraine sailors and met very gently people during these weeks... In Guatemala-City I did not really sight-seeing as I was all night at party with the very friendly local people - I will never forget the night after visiting a disco: as my hotel was somewhere in a dangerous area, the new met friends drove me to the hotel. I get out, giving big thanks to all and went to the door. Locked and nobody in. Then I heard music from somewhere - I walked to the source of noise and found a restaurant/bar; however, it was locked. After ringing the bell they guys welcomed me friendly, let me know that this is a dangerous area and let me in and I celebrated further until 8 in the morning, where my hotel finally was open...
13-12-95 - Monumento de la Revolution13-12-95 - Ángel de la Independencia13-12-95 - Paseo de la Reforma13-12-95 - Lago de Chapultepec13-12-95 - Museo National de Antropologia13-12-95 - Museo National de Antropologia13-12-95 - Museo National de Antropologia14-12-95 - Museo Nacional de Arte14-12-95 - Delante de Palacio Postal14-12-95 - Preparation del Mercato14-12-95 - Christmas preparation at the Zócalo14-12-95 - Catedral Metropolitana14-12-95 - At the Zócalo14-12-95 - Welcome in the Twilight Zone15-12-95 - Pirámide la Luna15-12-95 - Pirámide la Luna15-12-95 - Pirámide del Sol15-12-95 - Pirámide del Sol15-12-95 - Pirámide del Sol15-12-95 - Pirámide la Luna15-12-95 - Pirámide del Sol15-12-95 - On top of the Pirámide del Sol having good sight to the Pirámide la Luna15-12-95 - On top of the Pirámide del Sol having good sight to the Pirámide la Luna15-12-95 - Steep descent from the Pirámide del Sol16-12-95 - Monument President Benito Juarez16-12-95 - Close to the Zócalo dance performance16-12-95 - Museo de sitio del Templo Mayor17-12-95 - Leon Trotsky House Museum22-12-95 - Good times in Veracruz22-12-95 - Good times in Veracruz25-12-95 - Caribbean feelings27-12-95 - Row of mountains with lagacy volcano27-12-95 - Vista to San Salvador from a hill28-12-95 - Impressive Pacific close to the capital28-12-95 - Impressive Pacific close to the capital28-12-95 - Impressive Pacific close to the capital29-12-95 - Lago de Coatepeque29-12-95 - Volcano clothed by clouds29-12-95 - Hotel at the volcano29-12-95 - Lago de Coatepeque - beautiful volcano lake29-12-95 - Clouds at the crest03-01-96 - I have to admit, nearly no sightseeing, only party in Guatemala08-01-96 - Volcanic crater close to the city08-01-96 - Volcanic crater close to the city08-01-96 - Coffee harvest - coffee plant08-01-96 - Woman does coffee harvest08-01-96 - Harry does coffee harvest
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